Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Study in Writing

Been away too long -
Haiku, I've missed your meter.
I need to craft words.

Projects discarded,
Revisited once again?
Discipline is key.


  1. "Discipline" is good,
    but I'd love to change the word.
    It makes me angry.

    Perhaps "commitment?"
    I am sure you get the point.
    Either way, it's good.

  2. I may need to be
    committed - you never know.
    Baby steps to bus...

    Why does "discipline"
    make you angry? For me it's
    South Park, 9:14 ;)

  3. "It's a disease, Stan!"
    "No, you just lack dish-i-prin."
    Sure to bring a smile.

  4. South Park is a gem!
    "Discipline" reminds me of
    be-ing in trouble.

    A problem foreign
    to the likes of one like you,
    whose curse is a charm.

    I kid, though, I kid.
    Your middle name is Mischief,
    blonde hair = red herring.

  5. I assume we are
    To observe the equals sign
    But not read its sound?


  6. I have to admit
    that I struggled with that one.
    But I'm proud of it.


    Most conversation
    is in our respective heads.
    More said in the gaps.
